PCB capacity, what is the status?

We have seen a slow pick up after the Chinese New Years holiday, what is the PCB capacity currently at Chinese suppliers?

Raymond Goh, leading the certification of CONFIDEE. Writing about export tax rebate.

Its already April, spring is here, yet we can report that the industry has over the last months experienced a slow pick up after the Chinese New Year holidays. Currently we are looking at a market that has the capacity to take in more PCB orders. Our COO Raymond Goh, shares some brief points about the situation.

  • Chinese manufacturers’ capacity is about 70-80% filled up until now, for those manufacturers where production is not as diversified, around 50% of the capacity is filled up, this being in particular the ones only focusing on producing PCBs for the mobile phones industry.
  • Logistics capacity is picking up as the Covid restrictions are gradually relaxed. More flights are available, meaning more capacity for air freight.
  • The average layer count also went up as more and more  “smart” products are designed, the demand for HDI continues to increase.
  • Standard FR4 material lead time and availability is stable ranging from 3-7 days in China.

As we said, currently we are looking at a market that has capacity to take in more PCB order demands – we are here to assist in your PCB supply chain, just reach out.

PCB capacity, what is the status?

Written by: Guro Krossen

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