CONFIDEE is accelerating its growth

CONFIDEE is proud to announce an expansion with additional three members to its global team. Rafal Stankiewicz is appointed, Sales Manager Poland, Alexandre Buia, is appointed Sales Manager France and Yik Chuang Tang, is appointed Operations Manager.

“We are honoured to welcome these talented professionals to our dedicated team. As we continue to grow and manage compliance business, it is critical that we have devoted and experienced colleagues to ensure that we maintain our commitment to protecting our customers’ PCB supply chains, as their printed circuit partner,” says Vidar Olsen, CEO of CONFIDEE.  

Stankiewicz with many years’ experiences in the printed circuit industry, will handle the company’s business in Poland, whilst Buia will, together with his father Michel Buia, manage the French market. Tang will together with Asle Høibybråten take care of operations, as Operations Manager. 

“I am excited to be part of such a talented and innovative team,” says Stankiewicz, Sales Manager Poland.  

“I am honoured to have the opportunity to join CONFIDEE and increase the business in France. The company’s strategy on compliance, and data security is cutting-edge and will help businesses thrive in today’s environment, where cyber security is a given to succeed, says Buia. 

Well positioned for growth
With the addition of the three new team members, the company is well-positioned to continue its growth and maintain its commitment to provide compliant printed circuits to all industries, protecting customer data with transparency by monitoring and reporting in their supply chains. 

“It is through our values, to be transparent and personal, we base all our actions, and have built our reputation as a trusted partner in the industry. I have no doubt that our new colleagues will bring their own unique skills, knowledge and perspectives to the team, and that together, we will continue to uphold our values, and always stick to the transparent truth”, says Olsen.  

CONFIDEE is accelerating its growth

Written by: Guro Krossen

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