Billion-dollar investments impact the defence supply chain and its focus

“Regulations serve as a crucial safeguard, governing the development and deployment of military products. It was interesting participating when the industry discussed what it takes to become a supplier to the Armed Forces”, says Torben Hajslund.

“My key take-away from the very interesting “Become a Supplier to the Armed Forces” day, arranged by CenSec, was the increased focus on security, data protection and need for correct certifications that are applicable for the defence industry. The investments will be on the billion-dollar size in the coming years, bringing awareness to the industry, why compliance and export control plays an important role, is of the highest importance”, says Torben Hajslund, Sales Manager Denmark. 

A surge in investments
As the defence industry experiences a surge in investments, with billions located to research, development, and procurement, its crucial to emphasize the importance of regulations and restrictions governing this sector. With NATO allies and partners strengthening their defence budgets, the pressure to ensure responsible and compliant practices within the industry intensifies. 

 “Regulations serve as a crucial safeguard, governing the development and deployment of military products, dictating compliance regarding production locations, country of origin, export controls, industry specific standards and regulations”, says Hajslund. 

The industry, united in purpose, need to stand together to raise awareness and educate about the critical importance of regulatory adherence and the consequences if breach of export control appears. 

“Educating the entire defence industry and its supply chain about these regulations is paramount. From manufacturers to subcontractors, we need to make sure the information is flown down, every entity involved must understand their role in adhering to legal frameworks and regulations. This involves comprehensive training programs, seminars, and ongoing communication to maintain a culture of compliance and responsibility”, says Hajslund. 

Door opener and arena to learn
Events like the one arranged by CenSec is a door opener and great arena to learn, share knowledge, experience and educate for all wanting to supply the defence industry, discussing question like: 

  • What requirements does the Armed Forces place on suppliers 
  • What is important to know regarding export and internationalization  

“Attending these events is an opportunity to discuss and share knowledge. It was enlightening to listen to Joakim Finkelman talking of how the defence industry is developing, in light of the defence agreements. Søren Rinder, Chief Consultant, Sector Advisory Team on defence industry (SAT), talked about the possibilities for export to major markets in Europe and the USA, and how the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Danish embassies can help Danish companies with exports. Meeting fellow industry associates for challenging discussions is always welcomed and appreciated”, says Hajslund. 

Confidees commitment to compliance and export control is the reason why we are contracted and approved by Tier 1 Defence and Aerospace companies, and why we are AS9120 certified. We offer critical support to our partners, ensuring that their supply chains adhere to all necessary regulations. Our emphasis on traceability, access control, and our network of trusted suppliers allows us to deliver customized solutions that meet the specific demands of defence product manufacturing. 

Contact us today to discover how we can help you with export compliance or improve your PCB supply chain for defence products. 

Reach out to CenSec.

Billion-dollar investments impact the defence supply chain and its focus

Written by: Guro Krossen

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