Our identity

Our name, logo and identity is built to represent and explain who we are and what we are.

We consider ourself your partner

As your partner you will experience that everything is personal, and that we commit ourself in being the most transparent actor in the printed circuit industry.

Our values “personal” and “transparent” brought the foundation to our name, Confidee,  which means;

– To whom one trusts


Methods and software – Our product

We have a world leading method and software system that secures your printed circuit supply chain. From on-boarding to end-of-life we will secure you and your products through our proven compliant system.

– This makes it possible for us to focus all our energy on facilitating your requirements. 

We have named our system “ID”, based on its properties which is identification of all parameters for you as a customer and for us to secure the supply chain.



Our identity

Written by: Guro Krossen

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