Enters Norwegian Defence and Security Directory

CONFIDEE is proud to announce their entrance as new member to FSI, the Norwegian Defence and Security Industry Directory.

F-35 Norway

As FSI plays a vital role in bringing together leading defence industry organizations to collaborate and drive innovation in the defence sector, having strong members with thorough knowledge from all parts of the defence supply chain is crucial. Terje Nylund, FSI, is in such perspective, very pleased to welcome CONFIDEE, with their knowledge and experience to the organization. 

“In today’s globalised world, compliance with regulations and standards is crucial for companies operating within the defence sector. This is particularly true for those involved in the export of defence products and technologies, as strict regulations are in place to ensure that sensitive technologies do not fall into the wrong hands. CONFIDEE understands the importance of these regulations and is fully committed to ensuring that its business practices meet the highest standards of compliance”, says CEO Vidar Olsen. 

To be the forefront of compliance
Being part of FSI enables CONFIDEE to collaborate with other industry leaders, sharing knowledge and experience to help drive the industry forward. 

“By staying up to date with the latest developments in defence industry regulations and standards and sharing our experience and knowledge within the industry. We continue to be at the forefront of compliance within the defence sector, ensuring that we are always in line with the latest requirements and can flow this knowledge down to protect our customers supply chains”, says Torger Edland, Sales Manager Norway for CONFIDEE. 

Enters Norwegian Defence and Security Directory

Written by: Guro Krossen

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