It sure was impressive!

We had the pleasure to attend DALO Industry Days last week, a unique opportunity to meet partners in the Defence industry, present how we protect the PCB supply chain, our technical expertise and of course, catching up with old friends.

CONFIDEES Torben Hajslund at DALO Industry Days an impressive event.

“In an era marked by technological advancements and evolving threats, a protected printed circuit supply chain has become a paramount consideration within the Defence Industry. CONFIDEE’s steadfast commitment to providing a protected PCB supply chain with trusted partners, positions us as a prime choice for meeting the stringent demands of the defence sector”, says Sales Manager Denmark, Torben Hajslund. 

CONFIDEE’s participation at the DALO Industry Days in Denmark further exemplifies their dedication to the defence industry’s unique needs. The DALO Industry Days serve as a vital platform for defence stakeholders, including the Danish Defence and public authorities, to converge, share insights, and foster collaboration. With more than 400 exhibitors and +4000 participants, makes the Industry Days the largest expo in Denmark, with equipment mostly from the defence sector. 

“It’s always a pleasure meeting face to face with the industry, seeing the end products and discuss both demands and challenges. The DALO event stands out as particular impressive and is a “must attend” every year. We embrace every opportunity to engage in meaningful discussions with key decision-makers, understand industry trends, and align with evolving requirements” says Hajslund.  

CONFIDEE has found a niche in the market, providing printed circuits to all industries, targeting the compliance aspects. Their emphasis on robust security measures and adherence to stringent compliance standards makes them a trusted partner for defence contractors. 

“Our focus on delivering uncompromised PCB and supply chain solutions, to an industry where safeguarding sensitive information and data protection is crucial, underscores our dedication and is a given as a trusted partner. We employ a layered approach to security, mitigating potential vulnerabilities at every step in the supply chain”, says Hajslund. 

Do you want to reach out to Torben Hajslund, contact him here.
Or connect on LinkedIn.

It sure was impressive!

Written by: Guro Krossen

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