How to turn a “decline to quote”, into a successful production?

One of the most enjoyable things about working with PCB’s is the variation of technology types, until that email lands with the design layout, you never know what the workday is going to entail.  

One of the most enjoyable things about working with PCB’s is the variation of technology types, until that email lands with the design layout, you never know what the workday is going to entail.
This variation helps keep the interest and it’s always an eyebrow raiser when a new technology type lands, whether it’s new material combination, design with less than standard manufacturing rules or as in many cases trying to find the right solution both for manufacturing partners and customers alike.  

Here at Confidee we have special focus on the right solution for all involved in the process, this will include design standards, repeatability for manufacture and of course producing at the right price. We feedback with suggestions for design improvements that are a long-term fix, not just to get those prototypes built but then can’t make the production volumes.
Some recent examples of this include: 

Standard multilayer design but produced with M-SAP technology?
Standard multilayer design but produced with M-SAP technology due to extremely small bonding pads and copper to copper distances. Originally a decline to quote using standard manufacturing techniques, we were able to discuss with manufacturer and customer about possible changes and delivered full qty batch of boards with no performance issues.  

Design with technical challenges due to amount of plating processes?
Design with technical challenges due to amount of plating processes required on outer layers for microvias, through hole and via in pad with too small track and gap, customer was suffering with poor yields from previous supplier.
Design reviewed; feedback given to customer including calls to discuss critical points resulting in redesign of board with update to via requirements. From there we produced prototypes, no issues with yields in production and ready for volume if needed. Another decline to quote turned into good result for all. 

HDI design with any layer vias?
HDI design with any layer vias, review found unnecessary number of bonding stages (cost adder), so feedback supplied to design owner and rather than complete redesign our manufacturing partner was able to make the fix. Not only is the reduced number of bond stages a cost saver it also reduces the manufacturing risks for this type of technology. Customer happy to be advised of this and manufacturer happy that risk for yields reduced. 

We cannot guarantee to make cost savings for every board we see, what we offer is good honest feedback based on our own experiences coupled with the knowledge of our manufacturing base. Contact us if you have designs that require review and need suggestions for suitability for sustainable manufacturing 

How can we assist you and your PCBs? 

  • Approve design according to design standards 
  • Maintain repeatability for manufacture  
  • Ensure production at the right price.  
  • Feedback with suggestions for design improvements that are a long-term fix. 
  • Ensure prototypes built correctly but also have in mind production volumes that might come. 
  • Our close relationships with our manufacturing partners offer a flexibility related to eventual changes and delivery, without compromising on performance or quality. 
  • Making sure the right solution is found for both customers and manufacturing partners. 
  • Good honest feedback based on our own experiences coupled with the knowledge of our manufacturing base.

Do not hesitate to reach out to our experienced team of Operations Managers for help.

This article featured tips related to DFM (Design for Manufacture). Are you interested in some input related to rfqs (request for Quote) read here.

How to turn a “decline to quote”, into a successful production?

Written by: Craig Haywood

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