CONFIDEES Craig Haywood approved as EASA Part 21 Subpart G Auditor

We are proud to announce that Craig Haywood has successfully completed the EASA Part 21 Subpart G Production Organisation Approval conducted by the UK Civil Aviation Authorities.

Craig Haywood and Vidar Olsen at CONFIDEE.

“This is a significant milestone for us and reinforces our position as a key partner for global actors in the civil aviation industry”, says CEO Vidar Olsen.
Haywood completed the training earlier this year in the UK.   

“As a Printed Circuit partner to several global actors in the Civil Aviation Industry this certificate allows CONFIDEE to audit and support our current manufacturing partners and other partners requested by the product owner”, says Operations Manager Craig Haywood.  

“For years in previous positions, I have been on the other side of the table, facing the questions as part of the manufacturing process, this manufacturing knowledge combined with the capability as an EASA Part 21 Auditor will ensure that the proper questions are addressed and handled to secure the product for the product owner”, says Haywood.  

Adhering to industry regulations, and stringent standards, as this one set forth by EASA, is aligned with the company’s strategy, to be the compliant partner in the Printed Circuit supply chain.   

 “We will always be the partner that opposes secrecy with transparency, fluffy words with hard facts and actual documentation of compliance, not talk about it or claim it. In this regard, there is no room for compromises”, says Olsen.   


CONFIDEES Craig Haywood approved as EASA Part 21 Subpart G Auditor

Written by: Guro Krossen

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