Event by Force Technology and CenSec for improved understanding of certifications

It’s a given for us to achieve the most advanced certifications to be able to handle all aspects regarding compliance in the defence supply chain

F-35 Norway

As a printed circuit partner with a backbone of Compliance and Export Control, no need to say we work for a protected PCB supply chain, where safe data handling, accurate certifications and cyber security is profound.
Attending seminars and events that focus on this area, meeting fellow enthusiasts and experts, is as regular to us, as the first cup of coffee in the morning. 

Recently we attended The Theme Day regarding Allied Quality Assurance Publication (AQAP) Certification, presented by FORCE Technology and CenSec. 

The purpose of this event was to give knowledge and understanding of AQAP certification and its importance for companies in the defence industry.  

 “The AQAP standards have been developed by NATO to ensure high quality and standards for companies and organizations involved in defence and security related activities”, says Sales Manager Denmark, Torben Hajslund. 

Allied Quality Assurance Publications, also called AQAP, constitute a set of standards for quality assurance systems developed by NATO. 

One of these standards is AQAP-2110:2016, which specifically focuses on NATO’s quality assurance requirements for design, development and production. It is a superstructure standard for ISO 9001:2015 and is used as a contract document on concrete projects between the NATO organization (e.g., FMI) and the supplier. 

“We recently achieved the certification for ISO9001:2015 and AS9120. As a printed circuit partner for major actors in the defence industry, it’s a given for us to achieve the most advanced certifications to be able to handle all aspects regarding compliance in the defence supply chain”, says Hajslund. 

Are you interested in learning more how we operate, do not hesitate to reach out.

Source and read more: https://censec.dk/…/19-9-2023-temadag-om-aqap…/ 

Event by Force Technology and CenSec for improved understanding of certifications

Written by: Guro Krossen

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