Dual-use, do you have control?

Technology is rapidly evolving, are the regulations and control measurements following the same pace?

Dual-use, a concept with many aspects and potential risks of compliance breaches.
President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen recently made a call for Europe to assume what she called “strategic responsibility” in defence matters, also addressing the development of dual-use technologies.

Technology is evolving rapidly, and advancements in dual-use technologies may outpace the development of appropriate regulations and control mechanisms.

How to make sure there is a common understanding in the industry, on how to demonstrate compliance in these regards?

“Most companies are aware of the sentence “Dual-use items are goods, software and technology that can be used for both civilian and military applications”. Many don’t however, know what this entails, or how to establish and document appropriate control to their products or transactions.
The risks and requirements may vary greatly depending on the nature of a transaction, being able to document due diligence with regards to the intended end use and end users, is key to demonstrate compliance”, says Anders Evensen, Compliance Manager CONFIDEE.

We work with complex regulations on a daily basis and are here to assist you, when needed.

Dual-use, do you have control?

Written by: Guro Krossen

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