Chinese New Year, time to plan

Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival, is one of the most significant cultural celebrations in China. This festive period, filled with family reunions and traditional customs, has a substantial impact on various industries, including the PCB production.

Chinese New Year smart to plan your PCB orders.

The Chinese New Year holiday in 2024, is from February 9th to February 15th, time to plan! 

As always, planning, preparing and communicating improves the situation.
To mitigate the impact of Chinese New Year on the PCB supply chain, we encourage our partners to plan, place orders in advance, prioritize your most crucial articles and communicate. Together with our trusted suppliers, we source the best options, solutions for alternate production or earlier production for crucial demands. 

One of the most noticeable effects of Chinese New Year on the PCB supply chain is the temporary closure or limitation in staffing at many factories in China. Workers take time off to celebrate the holiday with their families, resulting in a significant slowdown in production.  

As your Compliant Printed Circuit Partner, we will assist and make sure the holiday festivities and limitation in production capacity, causes minimal disruption in your PCB Supply Chain. 

We can provide comprehensive support for your production planning needs, including exploring supply options for your products, strategizing to prioritize orders for potential accelerated production, and rescheduling others around until after the celebratory vacation. 

Our respectful and transparent relationship with our trusted supplying partners, is your insurance when external factors apply for the industry. 

2024 The Year of the Dragon 
2024 is The Year of the Dragon, The Wood Dragon to be precise. The Chinese zodiac sign of the Dragon represents power, success, honor, and luck among the Chinese. One can understand why many Chinese parents wants to have children in Dragon years. 

People born in Dragon years are seen as charismatic, intelligent and gifted, excelling all they tend to do.  


What to do to make the celebration season have the least impact on your PCB Supply Chain?

  • Include a PCB partner that offer comprehensive support for your production planning needs.
  • Explore supply options for your products.
  • Start to prioritize orders for potential accelerated production.
  • Reschedule other orders around, until after the celebratory vacation.  

Chinese New Year, time to plan

Written by: Guro Krossen

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